Our Mission
we must have a good, healthy, fun business to run and manage.


Our mission is to continue to grow at the speed that makes sense for our staff and managers. Every step of the way we will review opportunity to expand, especially when it allows us to reward hard working people with promotions. But first things first; we must have a good, healthy, fun business to run and manage.

We all have our strengths, and we all have our weaknesses.


My leadership expectations are rooted in the belief that no one is ever done learning. We all have our strengths, and we all have our weaknesses. Learn yours and don’t be shy about them. If you are unhappy with your strengths or weaknesses, get with someone in the company that can help you grow in those.


The atmosphere we create will allow us to grow and enjoy being here.


We are a company that pushes knowledge, and our leadership team is always willing to train, regardless of cost. If you want further training just come to me and ask. I am open to all forms of training, and I am committed to everyone’s personal growth.


I expect our leaders to first and foremost have some fun and make some sandwiches. We do not want to ever just be the company that you “go to work to get paid” at. The atmosphere we create will allow us to grow and enjoy being here.